On the night of April 30, 2023, around 11:50 PM, a family in Las Vegas was thrown into a state of panic after witnessing a mysterious object falling from the sky. Angel Kenmore, along with his brother and father, was working on a car when they noticed an extremely unusual aerial event.
A bright object appeared in the night sky and seemingly landed nearby, causing a significant impact. Angel reported to the police that he saw something fall from the sky emitting intense lights, followed by a loud impact and a strange sensation of energy in the area. In a later online video, Angel described this energy as a “shockwave,” claiming his vision became blurry, and for a moment, he could only see the backyard. He also reported hearing “thousands of footsteps” around him, which vanished seconds later.
The situation became even more surreal when Angel informed the police about the presence of strange figures at the site. He described two beings approximately 8 feet tall, with large eyes, watching them. Angel stressed that this was not a joke and that he and his family were terrified by the situation.

The 911 operator attempted to clarify the details, initially confused about the number of beings, but ultimately confirmed there were two creatures in the family’s backyard. Angel described the entities as “non-human,” with massive eyes, a large mouth, and glowing features, resembling aliens.
The police were dispatched immediately to investigate. Upon arriving at the scene, the officers’ body cameras captured images of a bright object in the sky, quickly moving away, partially corroborating the family’s account.
Although the incident remains shrouded in mystery, the enhanced images and the family’s testimony continue to fuel discussions about the possibility of contact with the unexplained.
During an appearance on the NewsNation program last year, renowned crime scene evidence expert Scott Roder shared his updated analysis of the alleged anomalous entities captured on video by the Las Vegas family. Roder had previously discussed his initial observations on the case on the Quirk Zone channel and, this time, presented new conclusions based on more in-depth analyses.
Roder, the owner and operator of The Evidence Room, based in Cleveland, Ohio, has over 30 years of experience reconstructing crime scenes for criminal investigations. He has testified as an expert witness in numerous court cases, solidifying his credibility as a specialist. According to him, the Las Vegas family’s footage clearly shows, with a high degree of scientific certainty, the presence of an extremely tall figure.
In his reconstructed computational analysis, Roder categorically stated that there is indeed an entity in the footage. “It is a certainty with a scientific degree of confidence that there is an entity there. It is as real as the family members present in the scene,” the expert declared.
Roder also highlighted an intriguing detail: the entity appears to be using some form of camouflage. He described it as “smoke camouflage,” which prevents the entity from being fully captured by the camera, making it partially invisible.
In an interview given to NewsNation last year, 17-year-old Angel Kenmore, one of the witnesses from the family who shared the story online, provided additional details about the mysterious and frightening incident, offering a new perspective on the “giant alien” he saw. Kenmore described the experience as “traumatizing” and revealed that since then, he had been tormented by paranoia, struggling to understand what he witnessed and constantly reliving the strange encounter in his mind. “We were in the backyard and then, out of nowhere, we saw a big light fall,” he said. “It basically fell into the backyard. And a few seconds later, I saw the giant creature right in front of me,” he added. In the interview, Kenmore recalled the creature growling in the backyard, “like a dog.” “It was moving and breathing. It was upset, like it wanted to do something, looking at me,” Kenmore reported. At that moment, he felt that the supernatural being had control over his body, saying, “I couldn’t move.” Despite facing numerous threats and questions, Kenmore and his family remained steadfast in their account of the experience from the previous year.

Scott Roder delved deeper into his analysis of the footage and argued that at least two “beings” using some kind of “camouflage device” landed in the backyard of a house in Las Vegas. Roder worked closely with Jim Quirk, a reporter who runs the Quirk Zone channel on YouTube, and who has now released enhanced footage that seems to show the presence of the beings at the location.
Today, Quirk released the final result of the enhanced footage on his account on the X platform. In an initial post, he stated: “The evidence of ET/NHI is now public domain. Be cautious of the voices speaking against this evidence. After absorbing the facts and realizing the debate is over, ask yourself why others continue to dismiss it, when the evidence they present is flimsy in comparison.”
Sorry, Mr. Sock Puppet, but it's no owl. Not even close. Gaslighting will not help you in this case. You have my guarantee on that. pic.twitter.com/MjMnpvZZXm
— Jim Quirk (@jimqk) January 23, 2025
2. Here is that same image #ufotwitter, enhanced by outlining the figure and coloring in its eyes. pic.twitter.com/LJDkUYyDON
— Jim Quirk (@jimqk) January 23, 2025
Quirk argues that at least two aliens can be identified in the scarce footage. In another post, he shared that he sent a letter to the DoD in June of last year to address the case, and also mentioned that Mick West (the UFO skeptic) rejected a money offer he made regarding the analysis of the case. He wrote: “Here’s a letter I sent to the DoD last June. They never responded, similar to how @MickOeste rejected $5000 to provide a refutation. That’s because the only response is that the NHI was really there, so NHI is real, and therefore the government is lying.”
I believe it is not possible to prove that what happened in Vegas, in the backyard of that family that night, was an alien visitation. However, the words of experts like Scott Roder should be duly considered.
Some believe that the new enhanced images show non-human intelligences. In them, one can observe a possible presence of beings, which is corroborated by the family’s testimony. However, there could be a forced interpretation or pareidolia. The choice is yours.