The mystery surrounding the “Quebec Frozen Alien Video” still persists to this day. For some, it is an obvious hoax, while for others, it is an enigma that deserves further investigation. After all, how many anomalous records, from UFOs to non-human entities, circulate on the internet with the potential to be real, yet we have no certainty of their authenticity?
The case in question has limited information available on the internet. It is important to emphasize that this video should not be confused with the famous “Frozen Alien of Siberia” case or, in some titles, the “Frozen Alien of Russia.”
The video began circulating in 2011, quickly amassing millions of views in its first days on YouTube, and it was widely shared by international media, including British newspapers such as The Daily Mail and The Telegraph.
The content showed an apparently dead alien frozen in the snow, allegedly filmed near the city of Irkutsk, near Lake Baikal, Russia. The discovery generated such a stir that the Kremlin became involved in the issue.
However, it was later revealed that the “alien” in the video was actually a creation by two Russians, Ivan Baturin and Artem Fedotov, made from modeling clay and dough, with chicken skin stretched over it. Baturin and Fedotov publicly admitted the hoax and, in a Russian TV appearance, demonstrated how they created the alien and where the video was filmed. The Daily Mail also published an article exposing the hoax.

The Frozen Alien of Quebec
Very little is known about this video compared to other cases of the same type. Its story is controversial, with some sources mentioning Switzerland and others, Canada. The video appeared suddenly on YouTube. The original account that posted it no longer exists [Link], and two of the first accounts to share it also no longer have it available (Link1, Link2). Some sources claim the video was taken from the Dark Web. The story is as follows:
The frozen alien body was reportedly discovered in the snow in 1992 near Rivière-Rouge, in the province of Quebec, Canada. The body was found in a wooded area near a road by three snowmobilers from Quebec. The identity of these individuals remains unknown, though they can be seen in the photos. At one point, they lifted the body with a stick and a wire, probably to avoid touching it. The following day, they returned to the site, but the body had disappeared. It is speculated that a wild animal dragged it away.
The alien body appears very convincing due to the many anatomical details visible in the photos. Let’s take a look at some of these images from the video.

I found the information that was in the original video description on YouTube, but I was unsuccessful in finding the video itself.
“In 1992, while living in Montreal (Quebec, Canada), a friend of my former roommate came to our apartment to show us strange photos. The last one showed a small ‘gray’ being of unknown origin — a biological extraterrestrial entity (EBE) — apparently lifeless, which had been found by snowmobilers in a field or wooded area not far from a road. We immediately asked this friend where he got these photos, and he told us they belonged to his cousin, who lived in the Rivière-Rouge region in Annonciation, Quebec. If I remember correctly, he told us that when the body was discovered in the snow, one of the snowmobilers went to get his camera (possibly a 35mm) (note that we cannot see this man in the photos, as he was obviously the only photographer), along with other witnesses (the three men seen in the photos), who had gone to the discovery site by car. When he showed us one of the photos, the friend explained that the witnesses had to tie a cable under the small ‘gray’ being’s arms, and with the help of a branch, they lifted it without touching it (perhaps as a precaution to avoid leaving fingerprints, or out of fear of diseases?). Intrigued, we immediately asked what they did with the body. He explained that ‘since it was late, late at night — and probably unaware of the significance of the situation — the witnesses did not dare take the body with them, and when they returned the following day, it had disappeared. The witnesses therefore assumed that a coyote or some other wild animal had likely found the body and taken it for a meal.’ At first glance, this is questionable behavior, but above all, irresponsible. Given that such monumental errors are often observed among non-scientists, it wouldn’t surprise us much. Later, we asked him what he would do with the photos, and he told us that he would try to find someone in the field of ufology to try to shed light on the mystery. In the end, before he left, I quickly grabbed my video camera and filmed the photos one by one.”
An Unfinished Story
“A few weeks later, this friend reminded us and told us that he had shown the photos to someone in the field of ufology. If I remember correctly, it was a certain Claude Mac Duff (1946-2001), author of several books on UFOs, including The Trial of the Flying Saucers (Quebec/América Editions, 1975). The latter allegedly told him that it was not the first time he had seen photos of this type of ‘gray’ being and that, therefore, he advised him not to try to make money from this story or waste time presenting it to the public, where he would be discredited and ridiculed. Surprised by this conclusion, and not wanting to be mistaken for ‘cranks’ or ‘lights,’ we simply decided to keep it to ourselves as a kind of secret. So, in 1992, as is the case with most witnesses of unexplained phenomena, I too feared that if I presented this video to the public, people would end up mocking us. This video remained dormant in storage boxes for more than 15 years. Thus, the story was suspended until October 2008.”
Uploading the Video
“In October 2008, I finally decided to try my luck in finding an answer to this mystery. Not being equipped with devices to transfer the video directly from VHS to an electronic file, I had to film the video with my digital/video camera, capturing the VHS version from my TV screen. I then uploaded it online to the internet via the video streaming site ‘YouTube.’ Additionally, thanks to this approach, everyone can now remain anonymous, and by avoiding the judgment of others, they can present their testimonies or discoveries with peace of mind. To attract attention and make it easier to search with keywords, I initially titled it ‘Real Alien Body in Quebec 1992,’ and later changed it to ‘Discovering a Gray Alien Body / Discovery of Gray Short Body Quebec 1992.’ The upload of this video immediately triggered a snowball effect on the internet. Many ufology websites discussed it passionately.”
Lack of Interest from Investigators
“To help witnesses come forward or investigators express their interest, I left the email address at the end of the video description on YouTube. Strangely, at first, when the video was published, only one investigator from Quebec came forward: a certain Mr. Morin from Ovni Quebec. He also posted the case details on his website, where I used the pseudonym “Mr. R.” In December 2008, a journalist from a regional newspaper in Rivière-Rouge (in the Annunciation) wrote an article about the video. We then communicated via email to stay in touch in case any of the witnesses from the photos eventually came forward. In January 2009, I tried reaching out to another investigator, but this one, whom I will not name here to avoid harming him, refused any investigation, mainly because the only evidence I had was the VHS. Back then, in 2013, there was a Mr. Garcia from Mexico working for a TV program called ‘Third Millennium.’ He wanted an interview via Skype, which I immediately declined due to the anonymity I wished to maintain. So, I put this case aside and did not check my emails until January 2016. It was then that I discovered that a certain Mr. Vadnais from the ufology group GARPAN had left a message dated April 2014. He kindly invited me to contact him — something I then postponed due to my lack of interest in the case.”
In January 2016, the original 2008 video had reached over 430,000 views. And with the other versions (copies) spread all over the internet, it had likely reached several million views — which is not insignificant. On January 15, 2016, a person with the username “newbeat2012” posted an investigative and analytical video titled “Authentic Footage of Gray Alien EBE Analyzed in Quebec – 1992,” but it can no longer be found.
On September 24, 2016, a video titled “Real Alien EBE Dead On A Gurney Being Examined And Filmed” was posted on YouTube by a person with the username “Conspiracy & Lie Nibiru, UFOs.” It showed the head of a small “gray” being strangely similar to the one found in Rivière-Rouge. However, this video and the user’s account were removed from YouTube, for reasons I do not know.
Anyway, here is the video:
I AM very Interested I have a cabin in rivere rouge And I have never heard of this. Unfortunately nothing appears in the video. I had a neighbor now, deceased. Who told me that some kind of airship was Over the lake behind his house and then disappeared under the water. He was not a crazy man i any sense of the word. Is brother-in-law? I believe is still alive. And the cousin of his that live on the same lake.
This is one of the few stories I believe, and the pictures only help with that.
Something eerily real about those photos.
Have you ever looked at your states DSM Lidar data? Could be a starting point to see if anything is still below the surface. Alongside showing the lakebed, DSM Lidar can pick up boats so should be a good indicator of any large objects. For a more accurate view of just the lakebed Use DTM Lidar. DTM wouldn’t show an object but it could reveal any indentation left.