In his recent NewsNation interview, UAP whistleblower Jake Barber introduced a surprising and unconventional element to the story of UFO retrievals: psionics. According to Barber, psionics involves individuals with heightened psychic abilities, which the US government allegedly explored through secret programs aimed at summoning, communicating with, or even controlling unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP).
At the core of Barber’s claims is his account of being contracted as a helicopter pilot for a covert program tasked with retrieving crashed UAPs. He asserts that he witnessed psionics in action during these missions, with individuals attempting to establish a mental or spiritual connection with the phenomena.Barber describes psionics as individuals possessing “a predisposition for extratemporal abilities and sensitivities,” often associated with psychic powers. These abilities, he suggests, enabled psionics to interact with UAP in ways that defy conventional scientific understanding. For instance, psionic teams allegedly summoned UFOs to land or influenced their movements through meditative or mental techniques.
Barber’s revelations imply that some UAP retrieval missions are not the result of accidental crashes but deliberate operations where UAP are “invited” to land. He recounts one such mission involving a craft he refers to as the “eightgon,” a flying disc with eight distinct sections visible from above. During this retrieval, Barber describes experiencing an overwhelming emotional reaction, which he attributes to a telepathic connection with a non-human intelligence.
This account raises intriguing questions about the interplay between human consciousness and advanced aerial phenomena, adding a new dimension to the ongoing UAP discourse.
“That object, or whatever was controlling that object, was also connecting to me through my mind.” Jake Barber

When asked how the eightgon came to land, Barber responded, “I think it was invited to land by the psionics team.” He clarified that these psionics, a specialised group within the programme, use meditation-like techniques to mentally interact with UAP, summoning or persuading them to descend.
During one operation, Barber recounts how a psionic individual participating in the mission sensed something was “wrong” during their attempt to summon a UAP. Shortly afterward, a disc-shaped craft appeared in the sky, sparking what Barber described as a “psychic dogfight” between two UAPs.
While the term psionics might sound like something out of science fiction, the idea of using psychic abilities for military purposes is not new. The infamous Project Stargate, a Cold War-era CIA and military initiative, spent years studying “remote viewing,” an alleged ability to perceive distant locations or objects using the mind.
In Barber’s story, psionics take this concept a step further. Rather than passively observing, these individuals are said to actively interact with UAP, potentially unlocking new methods of communication or control.
Don Paul Bales, another special forces operator and colleague of Barber, corroborated these claims. Speaking to host Ross Coulthart in the NewsNation special, he said, “I’ve had the pleasure of meeting multiple psionic assets. I’ve seen them function. I know that they’re capable of doing what they’re doing.” Bales added that while it’s unclear whether these abilities are something people are born with or a developed skill, there are individuals who are “quantifiably and verifiably” capable of such feats.
Barber argues that his claims, while extraordinary, should not be dismissed outright. “I think everyone deep down knows that there is more to life than what we are being told and experiencing. Not only is it not shocking, but it should be welcome.”
As well as airing Barber’s interview as part of the special entitled ‘Hunting UFOs: The Crash Retrieval Whistleblower’, NewsNation also showed a piece of exclusive footage that Barber claims he shot during a UAP retrieval mission.
The 11-second clip appears to show a white, egg-shaped object suspended in a cradle beneath a helicopter on a long rope. Artefacts in the leaked footage suggest that the clip has been recorded from another screen – presumably the screen of an in-aircraft night vision system.
The perfectly smooth object is said to be around six metres long, it has no markings and no visible means of propulsion – although there’s also no visible evidence that it can move in any way for that matter.
Many viewers have criticised the clip as underwhelming, overhyped, and damaging to the credibility of UFO research. While some connected the object to historical UFO cases like the Socorro incident, others speculated it was a weather balloon or dismissed the explanations as inadequate. Overall, the reaction leans heavily towards frustration and ridicule, with only a few expressing cautious support or optimism.
The CIA Has Great Interest in All of This

During the Cold War, the CIA was involved in secret projects investigating psychic abilities, with the aim of exploring their potential for intelligence and military operations. The most well-known of these projects was Project Stargate, which began in 1978 and ended in 1995. It focused on the application of abilities such as remote viewing, an alleged capability to “see” events, locations, or information at a distance without using conventional senses. The project involved training “psychic spies” to describe hidden locations or objects, a technique that was reportedly useful in cases like attempting to locate Soviet missiles and hostages. Despite some claims of success, such as a case where a psychic was able to locate a secret Soviet facility, the final report concluded that the evidence was inconsistent and not reliable enough to justify continued use. As a result, the project was discontinued, and the U.S. government concluded that the results did not offer a real strategic advantage.
Another highly controversial CIA project was MKULTRA, which took place between 1953 and 1973. Focused on mind control, MKULTRA sought to explore methods for manipulating the human mind and potentially developing psychic abilities. To this end, the CIA conducted a series of experiments with psychedelic substances such as LSD, as well as techniques like hypnosis, sensory deprivation, and even psychological torture. The idea was to expand human mental capabilities and study paranormal phenomena, but many of these experiments were carried out unethically, often without the consent of the participants. MKULTRA involved a network of academic institutions, hospitals, and other organizations, and the results of the experiments were largely inconclusive, failing to provide the answers the CIA sought. The project was discontinued in 1973, but its public revelation in later decades caused a major scandal, with strong criticism regarding the abusive practices and harm caused to those involved.
In addition to Project Stargate and MKULTRA, another relevant episode in military psychic research was the work of Harold Puthoff and Russell Targ at the Stanford Research Institute (SRI) in 1972. They created Project 8200, a program focused on extrasensory perception (ESP), which aimed to explore the ability of individuals with psychic skills to access information in unconventional ways. During these experiments, they encountered Ingo Swann, a New York artist who proved to be an extraordinary medium. In a notable test, Swann was able to “travel” mentally to a sealed container in a Stanford laboratory and make a highly accurate sketch of the structure of the object, as well as interfere with a magnetometer inside the equipment. This event caught the CIA’s attention, and in 1972, through the Office of Scientific Intelligence (OSI), they expressed interest in integrating psychic abilities into military and intelligence operations. Declassified documents revealed that, after this meeting, the CIA began to closely monitor developments in the field of ESP, though the evidence of its real effectiveness remains contested.
Do they really exist?

Is there a rule for legitimately recording UFOs? Or even more, can we invoke them? The more esoteric view talks about vibration, frequency, meditation, and so on. Some only defend the idea of chance.
Many believe that some chosen individuals are authorized, consciously or unconsciously contacted, and that they were possibly abducted in the past, destined to record and make contact not only with UFOs but with true non-human crafts.
In the documentary Sirius, directed by Dr. Steven Greer, there is a scene where Dr. Greer’s group conducts a contact expedition using the CE-5 (Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind) technique, which involves meditation and focused intention to establish communication with extraterrestrial beings. During this practice, they claim to have recorded the appearance of UFOs in the sky, which would have been attracted by the energy generated through the group’s meditation and intention. Although the film suggests that these sightings occurred as a direct result of the invocation, it is not a conventional mystical “invocation,” but rather an approach based on consciousness and intention to induce contact. The scene generated both enthusiasm among Greer’s followers and skepticism, with some questioning the authenticity of the footage and the connection between the events and the technique used.
Um dos exemplos mais amplamente divulgados na ufologia de alguém com a capacidade de invocar OVNIs é o do Profeta Yahweh.
In 2004, a man named Prophet Yahweh, born Ramon Watkins in Memphis, Tennessee, gained notoriety after appearing in an ABC News report where he supposedly summoned UFOs. Known for his claims of summoning spacecraft on demand, Prophet Yahweh had already built a unique career in the field of ufology. In 1999, he moved to Las Vegas, where he started the program “Prophet Yahweh – Ufologist” and claimed to have rediscovered the lost art of calling spaceships.
The event that drew significant attention occurred during the filming of the report, when he allegedly summoned a UFO in front of the cameras. ABC News’ coverage highlighted his assertions, making him a controversial and unique figure in the world of extraterrestrial phenomena. The combination of his religious practices with his claims of controlling UFO phenomena made Prophet Yahweh a figure surrounded by skepticism and curiosity.
Many people around the world claim to be able to summon UFOs. In 2021, Reuters published an article featuring Robert Bingham, a resident of Pasadena, California, who calls himself a UFO and paranormal phenomena invoker, including Bigfoot and ghosts. According to Bingham, his first experience with UFOs occurred 20 years ago, and since then, he has been telepathically searching for these phenomena.
Bingham describes his invocation technique as simple but effective. He observes an empty blue sky, focuses on a small point on the horizon, and, using his mind, communicates telepathically with the UFOs, asking them to approach.
The phenomenon is complex and vast, encompassing various manifestations. Assuming that people with these abilities are not within this spectrum would be presumptuous.
These individuals with alleged psychic abilities are at the center of a major debate, raising intriguing questions about the multifaceted nature of the UFO phenomenon.