A strange object was filmed in the skies of Brazil on January 11, 2025, intriguing those who had access to the footage. In the videos, it is possible to observe an object with an exotic shape and a peculiar body, raising questions about its true nature.
At first glance, one might assume it is a balloon or something similar. However, a closer analysis of the videos, coupled with the testimony of the witness who saw and recorded the event, raises doubts that cannot be easily dismissed.
The recording took place in broad daylight, around 12:25 PM, in the city of São Paulo. The person who filmed the object captured three short videos, describing it as something that was “hovering motionless in the air.”
The object, black in color, appeared to have a seemingly quadrangular shape with a gap in the middle, making it even more intriguing. At first, it could be interpreted as a solar balloon with a square-shaped structure attached to it. However, a closer look reveals something unusual: the object, described as stationary, seems to change shape, defying the initial expectations.
In the first video, he simply films the object, which seems to have one of the ends of its “square body” tilted upwards.
In the second video, he mentions that he had been observing the object from a distance, which had been stationary in the air for about 15 minutes.
At one point, he says he sees an “orb” passing next to the object, but in my view, it actually resembles more of a bird flying.
The third video, the longest, provides a clearer view of the object and also of its apparent shape-shifting. The witness mentions again that the object doesn’t move, which caught their attention. If it were a balloon, I would suppose it would be moving.
He also describe a sort of luminosity around the strange object, which, in my opinion, is difficult to conclude solely from the footage, as it might just be a zoom effect.
Could it be some kind of balloon? Perhaps these images show an unusual object that raises more questions than answers. While at first glance it may suggest a simple explanation, like a solar balloon, a more careful analysis of the footage and the witness’s account reveals elements that challenge this assumption.
I want to choke people that film this stuff why are you zooming out stay on the object